Project | 10
Project | 10 Piezo-Electricity Generation using Footsteps
In this project we are generating electrical power as non-conventional method by simply walking or running on the foot step. On each footsteps piezo sensor disc pressed and converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. As single piezo sensor not enough to generate sufficient amount of energy, so we connect piezo sensors in series & parallel combination. From generated power we also drive few dc loads and simultaneously show generated power status on LCD using Arduino board.
Project | 09
Project | 09 IoT Home Automation using ESP8266 & Google's Firebase
In this project, we Implemented our own IoT Home automation system to control(on/off) day-2-day life home appliances over the internet using Google's Firebase service from anywhere in the world. Also build android app to control home appliances using MIT App Inventor. To make Interface or communication link between Hardware (load) and cloud (firebase) we used ESP8266 (nodeMCU) wifi module.
Project | 08
Project | 08 CAN and IoT Implementation For Vehicle Safety Factor
This project implements CAN to facilitate a robust, flexible and real time system. AVR_ATMega32_Microcontroller is used to work as CAN nodes. Rain Water Sensor detects water drops and controls servo motor. LM35 measures temperature and controls the cooling system. LDR measures light intensity and controls headlight. IR sensing circuitry measures obstacle and controls breaking system. Float sensor measures the fuel level and gives level indication.NodeMCU is used to send this data over with the help of REST protocol.
Project | 07
Project | 07 Text Transmission using LiFi Technology
In the project, there are two sections, Transmitter and Receiver respectively. In transmitter section 4*4 keyboard and LED module are interfaced with Arduino UNO while in receiver section photodiode module and 16*2 LCD are interfaced with the Arduino UNO. The text entered by 4*4 keyboard will be sent from LED module to the photodiode module using Li-Fi technology and displayed on 16*2 LCD.
Project | 06
Project | 06 Bidirectional Converter
This is a sponsored project from Indian Space Research Organisation, in collaboration with VIIT. The Main objective of the project is to achieve maximum power utilization with unity power factor and minimum harmonics. This project allows bidirectional flow of power from source to load and vice-verse by using same MOSFET bridge(SPWM controlled), In case of insufficient power from solar panel grids 240Vac gets converted into 48Vdc, and when excess power from solar panel its gets return back to MSCB grid by using inverter.
Project | 05
Project | 05 Mobile Control Robot
The project aims in designing a Robot that can be operated using Android smart phone. The controlling of robot is done wirelessly through using Bluetooth of smart phone. The Controlling devices of the whole system are micro-controller, Bluetooth module (HC-06) and motor driver. The data received by the Bluetooth module from android smartphone is fed as input to the micro-controller. And then it acts accordingly and help to rotate dc motor of robot.
Project | 04
Project | 04 Wireless Water Level Controller
The main objective of this project is to develop an embedded system, which is a wireless water level indicator by using RF. Using this system, we can remotely monitor the water level of an overhead tank that is placed up to 50 meters away. The transmitter is placed near the tank with sensors inside the tank to monitor the level of water. The sensed level is streamed wirelessly through the RF transmitter. And then received by the receiver unit placed remotely and decoded to indicate the water level on an LCD.
Project | 03
Project | 03 Contactless Tachometer
The aim of the project is to design a contact-less speed sensing device. This system uses the IR transmitting and receiving technique. This is achieved by receiving IR rays from a reflecting spot on the shaft of the motor. When IR rays reflects back it generates interrupt to the microcontroller. Further timer of microcontroller calculates speed by using each interrupt received in a particular time. And finally display the speed.
Project | 02
Project | 02 Solider Tracking & Health Monitoring System
Project idea is related to soldier safety factor. The system detect soldier locations and health status by using GPS, GSM and Heartbeat sensor. Pulse rate sensor measures soldier heartbeat simultaneously, GPS unit used to log the longitude and latitude of soldier and GSM unit sends the SMS to army base camp containing heartbeat and location of soldier.
Project | 01
Project | 01 Universal Power Supply
This is hobby project done due to necessity and requirement of various power supply for different project/module. Also need due to sometime insufficiency of power source in lab. So we design universal power supply including +12V -12V, +5 -5V, 3.3V, 0V-10V variable supply and for upto 250mA current handling capacity. We adjust all supply in single Pcb by using multitap transformer. Also check load, line regulation and change in temperature parameter and accordingly including heatsink on board. And finally constant regulated required dc voltage.