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Seven Segment Display Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller | PIC18F452


Welcome to Embedded World. Today we talk about how to interface seven segment display with micro-controller, The seven segment display is the most common used display in many electronic gadgets and appliances. There are two types of led seven segment display common anode (CA) and common cathode (CC). In common cathode common pin connected to ground where as in common anode common pin connected to vcc. as per name for seven segment it includes 7 led n one extra for dot. It come in 10 package, where pin 3 & pin 8 are common connected to either vcc or ground and remaining connected to controller I/O pins.

1) Circuit Diagram

Here we are displaying 0-9 count on 7-segment display. but for that we must know count hex number for each 0-9 count. we can find it on paper or just find by using MikroC editior tool as shown below image. we connect 7-segment to PORT D, we can connect to any Port. for safty and as 7-segment display is nothing but combination of 8 led so we used 8 470 ohm current limiting resistor.

So whatever data comes in PORT D is will be display in 7-segment display through I/O pins.

2) Coding


1] Initialise array containing 0-9 hex value

2] initialise variable for count

3] set PORT D as a output port

4] initially set PORT D value to zero

5] take for loop and assign array values to PORT D

6] call delay

7] goto step 5

3) Simulation Result

Here we give specific count value to PORT D for specific time, so we can visible data on 7-segment then increment count n gives next number value. once a 0 - 9 count complete process rep

4) Burn Hex File

For loading program on controller I used PICkit3. buy it from Amazon at just RS.1100.

5] Hardware Output

For hardware implementation I used my PIC Development board. you can also used your board or just making simple connection on breadboard as per circuit diagram. Here we cannot used external power source for system instead we get VCC from PICkit3 Programmer. that driven to MCLR pin of controller. Here 7-segment display is externally connect to PORT D of controller. so we can see 0-9 counting on 7-segment display.

Download Here...!!!

You can download project hex file, proteus file, simulation, code, mikroc etc files here....

If you want to design your PIC Development Board, here its all required data, download and make your project..... ALL THE BEST !!!!

If you have any doubts, quires, suggestions for me please comment below or contact me on my number.

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